Day 7 Dammarie-les-Lys, 71km

11 juni 2021 - Melun, Frankrijk

Getting out of Paris was a nice experience over excellent biking infrastructure and an amazing  number of cyclists. Way back mid seventies as a student I cycled together with Goeroe, Tits and Flikker from Paris Gare du Nord to Gare Montparnasse which was a terrible life threathening experience and now 50 years later it is a pleasure! 


We stayed the whole day on the shore of the Seine, crossed the mighty river at least 5 times. The bike path, more a mountainbiker road, gave us quite some challenges and our arm strength was put at the test.


A challenging situation was at the écluse d’Ablon where we had to climb a tower 4 stages high to cross the dam.


We had a couple of particular and warm encounters! Mr Capoen, a local mountainbiker, helped us crossing a ‘passerelle’ and told us a great story on his  great-grandfather who died in the great war, a couple of weeks before the end of WW1 in Lendelede, a little village close to Roeselare. Esthelle, also on a mountainbike, gave us tips on the region but is now certainly dreaming and why not planning a long distance cycle adventure... JUST do it Esthelle!



2 Reacties

  1. Griet:
    11 juni 2021
    Die brug op de laatste foto is prachtig. Hopelijk nu een goeie nachtrust. De warmte en de trappen met de zware fietsen was een uitdaging waarschijnlijk. Tonnen respect voor jullie twee!
  2. Jos Noben:
    12 juni 2021
    Mooie foto’s van straffe toeren! Geniet van de tocht zuidwaarts.