Dag 71. Neufchâteau, 105km

27 augustus 2021 - Neufchâteau, Frankrijk

Summertime? 4 layers to protect from cold Northern wind! 
30 km from Langres we picked the sources of ‘la Meuse’ and followed ‘La Meuse à vélo’ A bikeroad from Rotterdam to the sources of the MAAS.


We were on our own. For almost 70km we didn’t see a cyclist and maybe 5 cars, just nature, cattle, sheep and clouds. (Even no espresso)

However when you encounter fellow long distance bikers solidarity is great.


a couple of (very) young bikers on the road to Istanbul!

We encountered hardly a shop , so fruit picking is part of the deal to complete the diet.

lastly an interesting fact: we knew about the ‘pertes de la Valserine’ near Bellegarde in the Jura but the Meuse also disappears  for several km to resurge in Neufchâteau! ‘Les pertes de la Meuse’

