Day 15, Montrond-les-Bains km 67

19 juni 2021 - Montrond-les-Bains, Frankrijk

The last day of this heatwave? But new challenges start, today we got the first big test of the legs: a 11 km climb with percentages up to 8,5!

indeed it comes with scenaries...


Gelukkig biedt de charme van een lokaal marktje ons troost na de klim: 🍈 en 🍑 

en platte rust op de bank854BD39F-9DB3-4D8F-B73B-2C7B03EE07AC

A special note for Cedar lovers: Geneva has indeed top species Lebanon, Atlas and Himalaya but on this trip we had a couple of mighty pieces. In Noyon were we stayed overnight in the shade of one and yesterday in Roanne. We found three at different locations.

